Профессор, д-р Тайфун Айбек

Международные презентации и публикации

Прямые трансляции хирургических операций на международных конгрессах

На Европейском конгрессе кардиоторакальных хирургов операция, проведенная во Франкфурте, была передана по спутнику в Барселону и на некоторые немецкие и европейские турецкие телеканалы: Европейское общество кардиоторакальных хирургов, Техноколледж, Барселона (Испания), сентябрь 2005 г. Симпозиум по хирургии в прямом эфире, “Хирургия теплой арки – замена полной аорты (45 см) в условиях умеренной гипотермии (32°C)”.

Хирург Тайфун Айбек, доктор медицины.

Прямая трансляция из Франкфурта в Барселону

На Европейском конгрессе кардиоторакальных хирургов операция, проведенная во Франкфурте, была передана по спутнику в Монте-Карло и на некоторые немецкие телеканалы, и пациент перенес операцию шунтирования сердца с эпидуральной анестезией, находясь в сознании: Европейское общество кардиоторакальных хирургов, Техноколледж, Монте-Карло, сентябрь 2002 г. Симпозиум по хирургии в прямом эфире, “CABG in the Awake Setting – LIMA to LAD Using Partial Lower Sternotomy in High Epidural Anaesthesia without Endotracheal Intubation”.

Хирург: Тайфун Айбек, доктор медицины

Прямая трансляция из Франкфурта в Монте-Карло

Операция, проведенная во Франкфурте на Европейском конгрессе кардиоторакальных хирургов, была передана по спутнику в конгресс-центр во Франкфурте и на некоторые немецкие телеканалы, а два клапана пациента были отремонтированы с помощью раны диаметром 5 см: Европейское общество кардиоторакальных хирургов, Франкфурт-на-Майне, сентябрь 2000 г. Симпозиум по хирургии в прямом эфире, “Сложное восстановление митрального клапана с использованием правой передней малой торакотомии”.

Хирург: Тайфун Айбек, доктор медицины Антон Мориц, доктор медицины

Прямая трансляция из операционной в конгресс-центр во Франкфурте

Награды, полученные за доклады на международных конгрессах

На международном конгрессе, проходившем в Майами, Флорида, США

Награда “За лучший устный доклад” :
Т. Айбек, Awake Coronary Artery Bypass Suergery : Утопия или реальность?

CTT (Cardiothoracic Techniques & Technologies) 23-26 января 2002 г., Miami Convention Centre

Майами – США

На международном конгрессе в Нью-Йорке, США

“Вторая награда за лучший устный доклад” :

Т. Айбек, Процедура MIDCAB у пациентов в сознании

ISMICS, 5-я ежегодная встреча, 20-23 июня 2002 г., Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк – США

Презентации на международных конгрессах (наиболее важные) :

Aybek T. Totally Closed Chest Myxoma Extirpation, 8. Kardiyoloji ve Kardivasküler Cerrahide Yenilikler Kongresi, 1-4 March 2012, Antalya Turkey

Aybek T. Mitral Valve Repair via Ultra-Mini Access. TCT Mediterrian, 24-27 March 2011, Antalya Turkey

Aybek T. OPCAB Surgery in 6230 consecutive patients. German Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 13-16 Feb 2011, Stuttgart, Germany

Aybek T. Syntax Study : Surgeons Point of View. 17. Ulusal Uygulamalı Girişimsel Kardiyoloji Kongresi WOW Istanbul / Turkey , Mai 2010

Aybek T. Technical Aspect of Off-Pump Coronary Revascularization. 59th European Cardiovascular Surgery. Çeşme – İzmir / Turkey , Apr 2010

Aybek T. Minimally Invasive Surgical ASD Closure. TKD Konjenital Çalışma Grubu, Girişimsel Kardiyoloji Toplantısı , Mersin / Turkey Apr 2009

Aybek T. Evolution of Off-Pump Techniques Near to Zero Hospital Mortality Rates. Congress for German Society Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Feb 2009 in Stuttgart / Germany

Aybek T. Transapical Off-Pump Aortic Valve Replacement. 4th Update of Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Antalya / Turkey , Dez. 2008

Aybek T.  Surgery for Aortic Dissection using 32 degree Core Temperature. Kos Island, Greece Mai 2008

Aybek T. Double Valve Surgery via Minimal Access. 3th Update of Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Sept 2007 , Bodrum Turkey

Aybek T. Simplified Surgery of the Aortic Arch. World Society of Cardiology. Barcelona Spain Sep 2006

Aybek T. New Concept of Mild Hypothermia in Aortic Surgery. American Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, AATS/STS, Chicago – USA, Jan 2006

Aybek T. Warm Arch Surgery. Invated Speaker in Aortic Surgery Symposium, Washington University – School of Medicine, Saint Loius – USA, August 2005

Aybek T. Surgery of the Aortic Dissection in Mild Hypothermia. World Congress of Cardiac Surgery, Vilnius – Litvania, Jun 2005

Aybek T. A New Management Technique in the Aortic Arch Surgery. Invated Speaker in Congress of New Technolgies & Techniques in Heart Surgery, La Coruna – Spain, Jun 2005

Aybek T. Future of the Coronary Revascularization. Invated Speaker in Congress of Asian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Istanbul April 2004

Aybek T. From the MIDCAB to ACAB in Five Years, ISMICS, Jun 2004 London

Aybek T. Awake Coronary Artery Bypass Suergery : Utopia or Reality ? CTT (Cardiothoracic Techniques & Technologies) Jan 23th – 26th , 2002, Miami Convention Center – USA

Aybek T. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in the Conscious Patients using Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia 31th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Leipzig Feb 15th-20th 2001

Aybek T. Koronarrevaskularisatiom am wachen Patienten in Epiduralanästhesie. 03-06.04.2002, Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, Mannheim

Aybek T. MIDCAB Procedure in Awake Patients ISMICS, 5th Annual Meeting, June 20-23, 2002, New York, NY

Aybek T. MIDCAB in the Awake Setting. Klinisch-Wissentschaftliches Symposium, Nov 26, 2002, in Regensburg, Germany

Aybek T. Five-Year Experience with Valve Sparing Surgery for Aortic Root Aneurysms 30th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Leipzig Feb 17th-21th 2001, Germany

Aybek T. Koronarrevaskularisation beim wachen Patienten, 2. Medizinisches Symposium der Klinik für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie, Innovationen in der THG Chirurgie, Was ist Standard? Was gibt es neues? 15.09.2001 in Wilhelmshaven – Germany

Aybek T. MIDCAB am wachen Patienten, Roundtable Meeting, 09.11.2001, Herzzentrum Lahr / Baden, Germany

Aybek T. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thorax- Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie Februar/2000 in Luzern – Switzerland „Suture Annuloplasty for Mitral Repair, Mid-Term Results“

Aybek T. S. Dogan, P. Kessler, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz. Complex Micro Mitral Operations Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, Second Wordl Live Teleconference, Feb 24-27, 1999 ; A Coruna, Spain

Aybek T. C. Detter, H. Ahlert, T. Fischlein, A. Moritz. Mitralklappenrekonstruktion: Vergleich zwischen Nahtring-Annuloplastik und konventioneller Ringimplantation. 65. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, Apr 8-10, 1999 ; Mannheim – Germany

Aybek T. A. Simon, S. Dogan, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz. Clinical experience with Fraters quadrleaflet stentless bioprosthesis in mitral position. Echocardiography to day and tomorrow, International Congress, Mai 24-28, 1999 ; St. Wolfgang, Austria

Aybek T. S. Dogan, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz. Complex micro mitral operations using a minimally invasive technique Heart Valve Disease, World Congress, Jun 12-14, 1999 ; London, UK

Aybek T. S. Dogan, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz. Two years experience with Fraters quadrleaflet stentless mitralprosthesis. Heart Valve Disease, World Congress, Jun 12-14, 1999 ; London, UK

Международные публикации

Senior Author: 

Tosya A, Coşkun PK, Uymaz B, Tarcan O, Aybek T. Black aorta in a patient with alkaptonuric ochronosis. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2012 May 23. doi: 10.5152/akd.2012.147

Tarcan O, Köksal P, Çomaklı H, Sezer GB, Günaydın G, Uslu HY, Aybek T. Closed chest resection of left ventricular myxoma through thoracoscopic assistance. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Jun;91(6):1988-90.

Ates S, Duvan I, Kurtoğlu M, Bakkaloğlu B, Beşbaş S, Aybek T. Valve sparing ascending and transverse aorta aneurysm repair with mild hypothermia in Takayasu arteritis. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2009 Feb;9(1):73

Kurtoglu M, Ates S, Demirozü T, Duvan I, Karagoz HY, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/… Facile stabilization and exposure techniques in off-pump coronary bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008 May;85(5):e30-1.

Bakhtiary F, Dogan S, Zierer A, Dzemali O, Oezaslan F, Therapidis P, Detho F, Wittlinger T, Martens S, Kleine P, Moritz A, Aybek T. Antegrade cerebral perfusion for acute type A aortic dissection in 120 consecutive patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008 Feb;85(2):465-9.

Bakhtiary F, Dogan S, Dzemali O, Ackermann H, Kleine P, Schächinger V, Aybek T. Impact of different pacing modes on left ventricular contractility following cardiopulmonary bypass. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2007 Sep;30(9):1083-90.

Bakhtiary F, Dogan S, Moritz A, Aybek T. Mild hypothermic (30°C) body Perfusion during replacement of the aortic arch with a novel arterial perfusion cannula. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Apr 133(4)

Moritz A, Risteski P, Dogan S, Macit H, Akbulut B, Zierer A, Aybek T. Six stitches to create a neosinus in David-type aortic root resuspension. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Feb;133(2):560-2.

Bakhtiary F, Dogan S, Dzemali O, Kleine P, Moritz A, Aybek T. Mild Hypothermia (32 degrees C) and antegrade Cerebral Perfusion in Aortic Arch Operations. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006 Jul;132(1):153-4

First Author

Aybek T. Mitral valve surgery; Review comment. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2011 Dec;11(8):745-6;

Aybek T, Risteski P, Moritz A. Reply to the Editor. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Mar;133(3):850-851.

Aybek T, Dogan S, Risteski P, Wittlinger Th, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A.Two Hundred Forty Minimally Invasive Mitral Operations Through Right Minithoracotomy. Ann Thorac Surg 2006 May;81(5):1618-24.

Aybek T, Risteski P, A. Miskovic, A. Simon, Dogan S, U. Abdel-Rahman, A. Moritz. Seven Year Surgical Experience with Suture Annuloplasty for Mitral Valve Repair. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006;131:99-106

Aybek T, Akbulut B, Macit H, Dogan S, Kessler P, Meininger D, Moritz A. Different Operative Techniques in Awake Coronary Revascularization. J Surg Med Sciences 2005;1:21-27

Aybek T, M. Doss, U. Abdel-Rahman, A. Simon, A. Miskovic, P. Risteski, S. Dogan, A. Moritz. Echocardiographic Assessment in Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery. Med Sci Mon 2005 Apr;11(4):MT27-32

Aybek T, Sotiriou M, Wöhleke T, Miskovic A, Simon A, Doss M, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A. Alteration of Opening and Closing Cusp Dynamics after Aortic Valve Sparing Operations. J Heart Valve Dis. 2005 Jan;14(1):114-20.

Aybek T, Dogan S, Moritz A. Valve Sparing Surgery Using of a Neosinus For Aortic Root Aneurysms. J Turk Soc Cardiovasc Surg 2003;11:79-84.

Aybek T, Dogan S, Kessler P, Khan MF, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A. ACAB vs differently minimally invasive cardiac surgery techniques. Heart Surg Forum. 2003;6 Supp 1:S38-9.

Aybek T, Kessler P, Khan M.F., Dogan S, Neidhart G, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Operative Techniques in Awake Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003 Jun;125(6):1394-400

Aybek T, Khan MF, Dogan S, Abdel-Rahman U, Mierdl S, Kessler P, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A. Cardiopulmonary Bypass impairs Left Ventricular Function determined by Conductance Catheter Measurement. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003 Dec;51(6):301-5

Aybek T, Kessler P, Khan M.F., Dogan S, Neidhart G, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Awake Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery : Utopia or Reality ? Ann Thorac Surg 2003 Apr;75(4):1165-70.

Aybek T, Dogan S, Neidhart G, Kessler P, Matheis G, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A.

Coronary artery bypass grafting through complete sternotomy in conscious patients. Heart Surg Forum. 2002;5(1):17-21.

Aybek T, Wohleke T, Simon A, Doss M, Moritz A. Five-year experience with valve sparing surgery for aortic root aneurysms. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002 Feb;50(1):35-9.

Aybek T, S. Dogan, P. Kessler, G. Neidhardt, MF Khan, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz.

Totalarterielle Bypassoperationen über komplette Sternotomie am wachen Patienten. Z Kardiol (2002)91:238-242

Aybek T., S. Dogan, S. Mierdl, K. Westphal, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz. Die neue Endodirekt-Port-Access-Technik in der minimalinvasiven Koronarbypasschirurgie, Z Herz- Thorax- Gefäßchirurgie (2001) 15:131-135

Aybek T., S. Dogan, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, G. Matheis, P. Kessler, K. Westphal, A. Moritz

The Micro Mitral Operation, Cardiovasc Eng 2001 6;34-8:

Aybek T., S. Dogan, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, K. Westphal, A. Moritz. The Micro-Mitral Operation Comparing the Port-Access Technique and the Transthoracic Clamp Technique J Card Surg 2000;15:76-81

Aybek T., S. Dogan, E. Andreßen, S. Mierdl, K. Westphal, A. Moritz, G. Wimmer-Greinecker. Robotically Enchanced Totally Endoscopic Right Internal Thoracic Coronary Artery Bypass to the Right Coronary Artery. The Heart Surgery Forum 2000; 3 (4): 322-324

Aybek T., A. Simon, S. Dogan, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz. Two Years Clinical Experience with a Quadrileaflet Stentless Bioprosthesis in the Mitral Position. J Heart Valve Disease 2000;9:667-673

Aybek T, Matheis G, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Westphal K, Moritz A. High Risk – Laserrevaskularisation oder konventionelle Operation ? “ Z Herz- Thorax- Gefäßchir (1999)13:159-163

Aybek T, Graf J, Hakimi M, Unverdorben M, Vallbracht C, Oster H. Transmyocardial Laserrevascularization (TMLR) as an Alternative to HTX ? Therapeutic Cardiovasc Interv 1997; (1):2970-4

Aybek T, Matheis G, Beyersdorf F, Skupin M. Coronary Risk Profile Affects Circulating Endothelin Levels During Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Perfusion 1992; (2):31-4


Zierer A, Detho F, Dzemali O, Aybek T, Moritz A, Bakhtiary F. Antegrade cerebral perfusion with mild hypothermia for aortic arch replacement: single-center experience in 245 consecutive patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Jun;91(6):1868-73.

Abdel-Rahman U, Margraf S, Aybek T, Loegters T, Moreno JB, Francischetti I, Kranert T, Gruenwald F, Windolf J, Moritz A, Scholz M. Inhibition of neutrophil activity improves cardiac function after cardiopulmonary bypass. J Inflamm (Lond). 2007 Oct 10;4(1):21

Ak K, Aybek T, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Ozaslan F, Bakhtiary F, Moritz A, Dogan S. Evolution of surgical techniques for atrial septal defect repair in adults: a 10-year single-institution experience. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Sep;134(3):757-64.

Dogan S, Aybek T, Mierdl S, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass grafting on the arrested heart is a prerequisite for successful totally endoscopic beating heart coronary revascularisation. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2002 Sep;1(1):30-4

Bakhtiary F, Therapidis P, Dzemali O, Ak K, Ackermann H, Meininger D, Kessler P, Kleine P, Moritz A, Aybek T, Dogan S. Impact of high thoracic epidural anesthesia on incidence of perioperative atrial fibrillation in off-pump coronary bypass grafting: a prospective randomized study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Aug;134(2):460-4.

Risteski PS, Aybek T, Dzemali O, Doss M, Scherer M, Dogan S, Moritz A. Artificial chordae for mitral valve repair: mid-term clinical and echocardiographic results. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Jun;55(4):239-44.

Dietrich M, Doss M, Aybek T, Martens S, Scherer M, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A.Decalcification of the mitral annulus: surgical experience in 81 patients.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006 Oct;54(7):464-7.

Wittlinger T, Aybek T, Moritz A, Kleine P, Martens S, Wimmer-Greinecker G. [Indication, Technique, and Results of Aortic Valve and Ascending Aorta Reconstruction.]Herz. 2006 Oct;31(7):676-684.

Scherer M, Sirat AS, Dogan S, Aybek T, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Does Totally Endoscopic Access for Off-pump Cardiac Surgery Influence the Incidence of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting? A Preliminary Report.Cardiovasc Eng. 2006 Sep;6(3):118-21.

Doss M, Aybek T, Wood J, Martens S, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A. Left Ventricular Remodeling Impacts the Function of the Quattro Stentless Mitral Valve Bioprosthesis (a 4 year Experience). Am Heart J 2006 Apr; (4):943. e1-4

Risteski P, Akbulut B, Moritz A, Aybek T. The Radial Artery as a Conduit for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Review of Current Knowledge. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2006 Jun;6(2):153-62

Moritz A, Özaslan F, Dogan S, Abdel-Rahman U, Aybek T, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Closure of Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defect Should Be Performed by the Surgeon. J Interv Cardiol 2005;18:523-7

Akbulut B, Simon A, Aybek T. Ekstrakorporeal Dolaşımın Sırasında Meydana Gelen İnflamatuar Cevap Ve Bunları Önleme StratejileriJ Surg Med Sciences 2005;1:84-88

Scherer M, Fieguth HG, Aybek T, Ujvari J, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Disseminated Aspergillus fumigatus Infection with Consecutive Mitral Valve Endocarditis in a Lung Transplant Recipient. J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24:2297-300.

Scherer M, Aybek T, Abdel-Rahman U, Dietrich M, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Ventriculocoronary Revascularization: Is it as Effective as Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting? Cardiovasc Engineering 2005 5;4: 151-6

Dogan S, Akbulut B, Aybek T, Mierdl S, Moritz AR, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Robotic coronary artery surgery: past, present and future. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2005 Sep;5(3):210-5.

Zierer A, Aybek T, Risteski P, Dogan S, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A. Moderate hypothermia (30 degrees C) for surgery of acute type A aortic dissection. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2005 Apr;53(2):74-9.

Kessler P, Aybek T, Neidhart G, Dogan S, Lischke V, Bremerich DH, Byhahn C. Comparison of three anesthetic techniques for off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: general anesthesia, combined general and high thoracic epidural anesthesia, or high thoracic epidural anesthesia alone. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2005 Feb;19(1):32-9.

Dogan S, Aybek T, Risteski P, Mierdl S, Stein H, Herzog C, Khan MF, Dzemali O, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass graft: initial experience with an additional instrument arm and an advanced camera system. Surg Endosc. 2004 Oct 13

Dogan S, Aybek T, Risteski PS, Detho F, Rapp A, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A. Minimally invasive port access versus conventional mitral valve surgery: prospective randomized study. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005 Feb;79(2):492-8.

Mierdl S, Byhahn C, Lischke V, Aybek T, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Dogan S, Viehmeyer S, Kessler P, Westphal K. Segmental myocardial wall motion during minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting using open and endoscopic surgical techniques. Anesth Analg. 2005 Feb;100(2):306-14.

Wimmer-Greinecker, G., Deschka, H., Aybek, T., Mierdl, S., Moritz, A., Dogan, S., Current Status of Robotically Assisted Coronary Revascularization. Am J Surg 188 (Suppl Oct 2004) 76S-82S

Khan MF, Binder J, Dogan S, Bentas W, Aybek T, Wimmer-Greinecker G. First report on sequential totally endoscopic thymomectomy and adrenalectomy using computer-enhanced telemanipulation. Surg Endosc. 2003 Jun 19

Scherer M, Dzemali O, Aybek T, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A. Impact of left atrial size reduction on chronic atrial fibrillation in mitral valve surgery. J Heart Valve Dis. 2003 Jul;12(4):469-74.

Wimmer-Greinecker G, Dogan S, Aybek T, Khan MF, Mierdl S, Byhahn C, Moritz A. Totally endoscopic atrial septal repair in adults with computer-enhanced telemanipulation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2003 Aug;126(2):465-8.

Abdel-Rahman U, Aybek T, Moritz A, Kleine P, Matheis G. Graded reoxygenation limits lipid peroxidation during surgical reperfusion. Med Sci Monit. 2003 Sep;9(9):CR389-91.

M Scherer, S. Sirat, T. Aybek, S. Martens, A. Moritz. Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia does not Influence the Incidence of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation after Beating Heart Surgery.Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg 2003;51:8-10

Dogan S, Dzemali O, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Derra P, Doss M, Khan MF, Aybek T, Kleine P, Moritz A. Minimally Invasive vs Conventional Aortic Valve Replacement: A Prospective Randomized Trial. J Heart Valve Dis 2003;12:76-80

Dogan S, Aybek T, Mierdl, S, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Totally Endoscopic Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting on the Arrested Heart is a Prerequisite for Successful Totally Endoscopic Beating Heart Coronary Revascularization. Interactive Cardivasc and Thorac Surg 1 (2002)30-34

Dogan S, Aybek T, Khan MF, Neidhart G, Auch-Schwelk W, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Totally Endoscopic Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery Bypass Grafting in a Young Diabetic Patient. Med Sci Monit, 2002;8(12):CS95-97

Dogan S, Aybek T, Andressen E, Byhahn C, Mierdl S, Westphal K, Matheis G, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass grafting on cardiopulmonary bypass with robotically enhanced telemanipulation: report of forty-five cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002 Jun;123(6):1125-31

Mierdl S, Meininger D, Byhahn C, Aybek T, Kessler P, Westphal K. Transesophageal echocardiography or fluoroscopy during port-access surgery? Ann Acad Med Singapore 2002 Jul;31(4):520-4

Kessler P, Neidhart G, Lischke V, Bremerich DH, Aybek T, Dogan S, Byhahn C. [Coronary bypass operation with complete median sternotomy in awake patients with high thoracic peridural anesthesia] Anaesthesist 2002 Jul;51(7):533-8

Kessler P, Neidhart G, Bremerich DH, Aybek T, Dogan S, Lischke V, Byhahn C. High thoracic epidural anesthesia for coronary artery bypass grafting using two different surgical approaches in conscious patients. Anesth Analg 2002 Oct;95(4):791-7

Dogan S, Aybek T, Khan MF, Kessler P, Mierdl S, Kleine P, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Computer-enhanced telemanipulation enables a variety of totally endoscopic cardiac procedures.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002 Oct;50(5):281-6

Mierdl S, Byhahn C, Dogan S, Aybek T, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Kessler P, Meininger D, Westphal K. Segmental wall motion abnormalities during telerobotic totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass grafting. Anesth Analg. 2002 Apr;94(4):774-80.

Kleine P, Doss M, Aybek T, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Moritz A.

Biventricular pacing for weaning from extracorporeal circulation in heart failure.

Ann Thorac Surg. 2002 Mar;73(3):960-2.

Selami Dogan, Kai Graubitz, Tayfun Aybek, Mohammad Fawad Khan, Paul Kessler, Anton Moritz, and Gerhard Wimmer-Greinecker. How safe is the port access technique in minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting? Ann Thorac Surg 2002;74 1537-1543

Kessler P, Aybek T, et al. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting via Sternotomy in Conscious Patients. World J Surg 2002

Dogan S, Aybek T, Westphal K, Mierdl S, Moritz A, Wimmer-Greinecker G. Computer-enhanced totally endoscopic sequential arterial coronary artery bypass. Ann Thorac Surg 2001 Aug;72(2):610-1

S. Mierdl, D. Meininger, S. Dogan, T. Aybek, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, V. Lischke, P. Kessler

Abdominal Complications after Cardiac Surgery, Ann Acad Med Singapore 2001;30:245-9

M. Scherer, H.G. Fieguth, T. Aybek, S. Martens, G. Wimmer-Greinecker, A. Moritz. Linksatriale Verkleinerungsplastik in Kombination mit Mitralklappeneingriffen zur chirurgischen Therapie des Vorhofflimmerns, Z Herz- Thorax- Gefäßchirurgie 15:136-140 (2001)

C. Detter, T. Aybek, N. Kupilik, T. Fischlein, A. Moritz. Mitral Valve Annuloplasty : Comparison of the Mural Annulus Shortening Suture (MASS) with the Carpentier-Edwards Prosthetic Ring. J Heart Valve Disease 2000;9:478-486

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